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Jan 13, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 13, 2004  

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:03pm.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
Present: Building Inspector Dave Paveglio, Police Officer Bob Kitson, Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio and Road Agent David Kenneally  

Hyw- Mr. Kenneally would like an opportunity to go over his budget further with the budget committee present.  The Board of Selectmen scheduled him for 6:30pm on January 20, 2004.  Selectman Arey complimented the highway department on the great job of plowing, especially at the town buildings.  

PD- Officer Kitson submitted the costs for hiring a full time police officer and the comparison for hiring two part time officers.  

FD- Deputy Paveglio pointed out an error on the budget proposal for the ambulance payroll.  It is short by $1791.00.  The Board asked Mike to bring it up at the budget meeting.  Deputy Paveglio stated there has been a large call volume.  Already there have been twenty-four calls (24) this year.  IT support money and high speed Internet access was discussed.  Deputy Paveglio indicated the department was not going to budget for either this year.    

BI- Mr. Dave Paveglio is on the Planning Board agenda for the February meeting to discuss procedure for determining the wetland boundaries.  To date he has not heard back from Mr. Kelly regarding the permit on Ferrin Road. Chairman Colbert indicated the Board had not either.  Chairman Colbert will follow up with Mr. Kelly.    Lisa passed along the contact for Mr. Paveglio to obtain a set of the Merrimack County Soil Maps.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Paveglio to purchase a set for the Town Office as well.  

The department heads expressed that the budgeting process was too confusing this year.  They were thinking they would have another meeting with the budget committee.  It was asked to consider revising the process next year.  The Board of Selectmen agreed to review the process going forward.



Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert to accept Kara Drive as a Class V highway.  2 in favor – 1 no.  Motion passed.  
Hess Zoning Violation- The Board would like to send another letter to the corporate office stating the lack of response from the local management.  If after this attempt no response is received the Board will seek legal action.  

Robinson Current Use- The Board decided to send Mr. Robinson a letter updating him on the response received from Avitar regarding his parcel with all the junk cars upon it not qualifying for current use and therefore must be removed from current use status if the junk cars remain on the property. This parcel was incorrectly approved for current use initially and the Board agreed to assess a zero penalty because of this administrative error.  Mr. Robinson will still be responsible for the recording fee at the Merrimack County Registry.  

Mattress Maker Zoning Violation – The Board asked Lisa to check with the Planning Board secretary and see if they are on the February Agenda as requested.   

The Board asked Lisa to send Mrs. Fournier a letter to get on the Selectmen’s Agenda and to follow up with Mr. Jameson and get him on the February schedule with the Selectmen.

The Board discussed a proposal from Ms. Kenneally to assist the new Welfare Officer with training.  The Board agreed to authorize the Welfare Officer, Donna Stockman to contact Ms. Kenneally for assistance at Donna’s request on a per client basis with a maximum of five (5) clients.  Ms. Kenneally will receive payment of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per client with a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the year.  The welfare line will need to be increased by this amount.  

The photos for the cover of the town report were reviewed.  The Board would like to use the 8 x 10 version but will go with the recommendation from Granite Image.  Lisa will work this out with Terry and get some proofs to review.

Due to the necessity for repairs/general maintenance at the Grange Building the Board will put three thousand dollars ($3000.00) in the budget this year with the intent of budgeting the same amount going forward to get onto a routine maintenance plan for the building.  

 Format for the reports for the budget hearing was discussed.   

It was decided to budget five thousand dollars ($5000.00) for title research for the unknown properties.  Lisa will contact surveyor David Noyes and Selectman DeBold will contact surveyor Mark Stevens and ask for proposals.  The Board would like to clear at least two of these per year and get the properties back onto the tax roles.  

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Permission was granted for the Kid Voting to take place on Primary Day.  Selectman DeBold will get back to Ms. McKay.

Selectman DeBold heard back from the grange and they are not able to oversee the Food Pantry.  The Board is looking for volunteers.  Lisa will place an ad in the Suncook Sun.  

The Board reviewed the spreadsheet compiled for the Selectmen’s Office salaries.  The Selectmen had asked Lisa to compare last year versus this year loaded rate (salary plus benefits). After final discussion and review the Board recommended a salary of $39,520.00 with an increase to a forty hour work week for the administrative position now being properly classified as Town Administrator.   The Board recommended an hourly rate of thirteen ($13.00) for the bookkeeper/office assistant at an increase to thirty hours a week.  At this time, no benefits are available for this position. Currently this position is being handled with temporary help.  The Board will be advertising for this position in the immediate future. Thanks to Mr. Pike for all his help.  

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Checks were signed.  The minutes of January 6, 2004 were approved.   

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN 1/20/04
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